The Emotional Pumpkin


Sunday, April 10, 2005

So I went to get a haircut

on Friday, and as I was waiting for my hairdresser (stylist?) to finish with her previous client, I was flipping through the magazines they had there. Now, as you might imagine, the normal fare at a salon is of the Vogue or Cosmopolitan variety, so I wasn't expecting to find anything interesting. Then I found the latest issue of Soma magazine. I had not seen nor heard of the magazine before (still don't know much about it, actually), but I was impressed by its sharp, minimalist design. The latest issue, which happened to focus on fashion1, had a little section talking about cool fashion-oriented blogs. Two of the four mentioned struck me as especially interesting:
  • Tokyo Street Style, a photoblog showcasing the latest in Tokyo fashion, which is arguably the most bleeding-edge, if strange, streetwear around these days; most of it seems to make its way over to the US eventually, which is sometimes unfortunate.
  • Manolo's Shoe Blog2 - This is just...great! Hilarious and stylish at the same time. Plus, Manolo talks about himself in the third person. Beat that.
1 Evidently each issue focuses on some theme or other, e.g. film, music, or sports. As far as I can tell, it seems to be the official fashionista magazine. It seems to cover all the latest so-cutting-edge-they're-not-even-trends-yet, and the one word that comes to mind when you see it is hip. Regardless, it is remarkably well-written and, if you can say such a thing without getting struck by lightning, unpretentious.

2 No, not that Manolo.


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