The Emotional Pumpkin


Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Temptation revisited

So I spent most of last weekend in San Francisco. While I was there, I did two really cool things:
  1. I went and saw this gallery showing by Ronnie del Carmen and Enrico Casarosa, two artists who work for Pixar. Both of them are exceptionally talented, and I was sorely tempted to buy Fragments, their jointly-published book of their sketches. Practicality eventually won out over temptation, but I am sort of regretting it now.
  2. I went to the Metreon and gave the PSP a test drive. With Wipeout Pure, naturally. For the most part, I agree with the reviewers: the screen is simply a thing of beauty--sharp, crisp and saturated, with a great response time. The analog joystick (it's actually more of a sliding button) is in an awkward position, and the d-pad is much easier to use, at least at first. As for the game, it is just gorgeous. A bit slow, but it gets faster as you unlock higher levels. I am still tempted to buy it, but that $300 price tag is a hefty deterrent. I guess I'll just wait a bit, which is easy to do, since it seems to be out of stock at most if not all of the online retailers.


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