The Emotional Pumpkin


Thursday, March 24, 2005

VodkaPundit's Stephen Green

writes an interesting essay on the similarities between the war in Iraq and the battle for Iwo Jima1 during WWII:
Today's atom bomb is democracy in the Middle East – and it's been dropped on Iraq. The fallout has spread far and wide, to Saudi Arabia, to Egypt, to Palestine, and perhaps even to Syria and Iran. Its effects could well bring an early conclusion to today global war, sparing thousands of lives on each side.
Read the whole thing.

1 "Iwo Jima" is the common romanized spelling of the island's name. Taken exactly from the Japanese, it is actually one word: "ioujima" (long "o" sounds are commonly romanized as "ou") or 硫黄島, which means sulfur island. FYI.


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