The Emotional Pumpkin


Thursday, May 05, 2005

OK, gotta take a break

from all this Tiger reviewing for a couple of things:
  • First, happy Cinco de Mayo!
  • I am peeved at Blogger and have to gripe. I had intended to start my last post last night, and so had loaded the Create Post page in Blogger, but never came back to write it. So this morning when I sat down at my computer, I just started typing in the post content field and thought nothing of it. Of course, when I went to publish the post, Blogger said that since I had left the session running all night, my login session had expired, and asked me to log in again. I did. But instead of continuing to publish the post, Blogger just displayed the dashboard, and when I went to check my list of posts, the latest one wasn't there. Why doesn't Blogger continue a task it's been asked to do through login? That's just dumb. Luckily I was able to hit the back button on my browser, and the contents of my post were still cached, so I was able to publish the post eventually, but I could just as easily have lost the contents forever. Arrrggghh. This is an obvious functionality gap, and I, for one, am going to write them a nasty letter/bug report about it.


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