I've made 4 new templates in the last few weeks, but this one I'm using now is hands down my favorite. I'd been meaning to do something with the transparency-preserving PNG format for backgrounds, but didn't have a compelling idea to try it out on until yesterday. I'm pretty happy with the results.
- The graphic design on these templates would not be possible without Adobe Photoshop 7.0, universally acknowledged to be the best raster graphics program ever, and Adobe Studio Exchange, where I've been downloading some great freeware brushes and custom shapes.
- I do my coding in SubEthaEdit, a great little text editor with an HTML preview feature.
Update 02/06/2005: A couple of things. One, I've updated all the template code to make it easier to add links yourself. As it says on the instructions page, just find the "<!-- Add links here" comment and follow the instructions. Two, and this should come as no big surprise considering that it's been quite a long time since Microsoft has added functionality to IE, IE does not display PNG files properly. The backgrounds just look opaque and therefore not nearly as nice as they do in other (better) browsers. This will be a problem for the Winter theme and a few others I've got in the works. Just a warning.
i love the templates--the winter is definately my favorite also. i am going to switch over to it when i get out of work tonight. thanks very much, keep em coming!!
BTW, I've just updated the template a bit - the PNG file I was using for the backgrounds in the comment section was too opaque, in combination with the background for the post section. I made the background less opaque so that you can still see the page background beneath it, and consequently had to change the template code to point to the new file. If you've already used this template for your page, please copy the new source and do it again if you like. I like it better with the less opaque background, but that's just my opinion.
i like it with a little trasnlucency though--like you have on your .mac website. but this is still great.
Congratulations on your wonderful work. I really like your style. I'm using your argyle template now, but I think I'll switch to the winter one. :)
Thanks so much for providing these templates for free!
i like Beach and Jigsaw the best! cool work~~
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