The Emotional Pumpkin


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Remember the て form song?

I don't much hold with mnemonics; when I need to memorize something, I just repeat it to myself until I remember. That said, there are some mnemonics I remember for their own sake, and not because they helped me remember what they are designed to:
  • If you've never studied Japanese, this won't mean anything to you. The て form song (to the tune of Santa Claus is Coming to Town):
  • Another Japanese one. A long time ago, female ninja(s?) were called kunoichi, and if you take the hiragana character ku (く), the katakana character no (ノ), and the kanji character for the number 1, or ichi (一), and put them together, you get the kanji character for woman, or onna: 女. And if you write each component in the given order, ku-no-ichi, you even get the correct stroke order. Pretty neat, huh?
  • "How I wish I could recollect to places eight" is a mnemonic for remembering the constant pi to 8 decimal places: you count the number of letters in each word, and you get 3.14159265.


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