The Emotional Pumpkin


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Anne Applebaum has a

very interesting piece in the Washington Post on the impending demise of network news.

UPDATE: It appears that the fallout from Rathergate* is already being felt, according to a recent Gallup poll.

*What is with this tradition of affixing "-gate" to the name of any political scandal? It doesn't really make much sense; it's not like Watergate was about water. It was just the name of a hotel.

To be fair, though, it's got a certain undeniable cachet. Those 4 letters convey quite a bit of information efficiently; someone, usually in a position of power, did something bad and then made a stupid mistake in thinking that it wouldn't get out. You can't beat that efficiency--"Rathergate" is certainly more succinct than "the CBS memo forgery controversy".

What's more, in honor of Enron, people are already starting to do the same kind of thing with "-ron". Rathergate/memogate has also been referred to as "Danron". Clever.

(Via InstaPundit)


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