The Emotional Pumpkin


Monday, September 20, 2004

I think I have made peace

with being a conscientious objector this November. I suffered a long period of mental anguish after I realized that I could not in good conscience vote for either of the major parties' presidential candidates, but could not in good conscience abstain from my civic duty, either. After Kerry named Edwards as his running mate, he got my grudging endorsement, on the thin premise that I'd be more likely to agree with his policies than Bush's. This was before Kerry made a concerted and still ongoing effort to avoid saying anything substantive about his policies whatsoever. This was also before the Queen of the Space Unicorns threw his credibility to the four winds and became a shill for the Kerry campaign. So the long and short of it is that I feel I'm still fulfilling my civic duty by not voting in this year's presidential election. If no party is going to produce a candidate that is worth voting for, then no one gets my vote.


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