This is....weird
According to a new study published in the UK journal Human Reproduction, men who regularly use laptops actually on their, er, laps are at risk for decreased sperm production or infertility.
According to a new study published in the UK journal Human Reproduction, men who regularly use laptops actually on their, er, laps are at risk for decreased sperm production or infertility.
Permit me a bit of self-congratulation here. As of later today, I will officially be done with all of my Christmas shopping. Maybe you're not impressed, but I'm really proud of myself. I'm never done before the eleventh hour. And sometimes not until April. Of the next year. This is quite an accomplishment for me. Go me! It's my birthday.
here's another take on what's wrong with the Democratic party and liberalism in general today. Not sure I entirely agree with it*, but it's certainly worth reading.
an excellent op-ed in today's NY Times about journalists, the First Amendment, and confidentiality. (Via InstaPundit)
In light of my post yesterday, I thought I'd offer my much-overdue election post-mortem. In my mind, it is the lack of idealistic behavior that lost the election for the Democrats. And I mean every person in this country who affiliates him/herself with that party, not just the party players. From the national Democrats on down to those oh-so-worldly-wise voters, there was widespread insecurity, loss of the forest for the trees, and just general ideological bastardization. They were so focused on winning that they forgot to play the game.
Regular readers of this blog will know about my personal struggle when it came to choosing a candidate to vote for in the recent presidential election, and my eventual conclusion that I could follow my conscience and not vote for any of the candidates, and still have made my voice heard. I had thought it was a pretty obvious decision, but after having talked about my choice with various others in the weeks both preceding and following the election, and having heard, with varying (but always some) levels of condescension: "Oh, I wish I was as idealistic as you, but I had to blah blah blah", I have concluded that maybe I'm the only one (or at least one of a very few) that realizes that, in the case of democracy at least, behaving idealistically just makes more sense. I contend that these others, these people who second-guess the system, are precisely the ones who foul it up for everyone else.
you know how much I hate those jewelers' commercials that are constantly on TV; I can't stand how they portray women as grasping and materialistic. Apparently I'm not the only one.