The Emotional Pumpkin


Tuesday, November 16, 2004

CBS does it again

There's a post on the History News Network site denouncing last Sunday's 60 Minutes report on the 1955 killing of Emmett Till as inaccurate and misleading. CBS? Inaccurate? Shocking. Just shocking.

Sarcasm aside, the fact that CBS still believes it has a license to alter the facts it reports to make for "better" TV says to me that they're not getting nearly enough pressure from the public and their peers to shape up. Or, in light of the national outrage and near-round-the-clock coverage from every other major news network during the National Guard memo controversy, maybe they just don't care.

So you may be wondering, as am I: whatever happened to the CBS investigative panel in charge of getting to the bottom of Rathergate? Not much, that's what. Now that the election is over, one would hope that they are in full swing. has much more detail on the issue. (Via The Volokh Conspiracy)


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