The Emotional Pumpkin


Sunday, September 26, 2004

The NY Times magazine is

carrying a very interesting piece on left-wing bloggers. It reads like a celebrity profile piece; you know, where the author is trying to get beyond the bloggers' on-screen personas to the real people behind them. Not surprisingly, they are shown as smart but fallible people <insert tired man-behind-the-curtain reference here>. Also not surprisingly, some of the bloggers in question didn't like the piece, calling it a "hatchet job against left-wing bloggers", and saying the article showed "a contrasting and mysterious silence about right-wing excesses". Like InstaPundit, whose site by the way is where I found the article in the first place, I agree that it's not that the article is imbalanced, but that it was just focusing on the left-wing bloggers; the right-of-center folks have already "had [their] time in the media spotlight". For what it's worth, I quite liked the article. It's devoid of the condescension (or, increasingly lately, grudging admiration) that's usually present when the media talk about bloggers and is, all in all, admirably objective.


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