The Emotional Pumpkin


Thursday, September 02, 2004

What I'm reading:

Stand Up Fight Back: Republican Toughs, Democratic Wimps, and the Politics of Revenge by E.J. Dionne, Jr., of Washington Post and NPR fame. Much like many other liberal outraged-at-Bush books that have come out this year, this book offers a pretty harsh critique of the Bush presidency. Dionne, usually a moderate liberal, is harsher than is his wont in this book, but he does something here that most of the other outraged-at-Bush books don't do (or don't do well, at least). He questions the Democratic party and its methods. He outlines why the Democrats have been, for the past 4 or so years, losing an ideological war against the Republicans, and what the Democrats can do to once more unite and inspire America's left.

Overall, while I find the Bush critique to beg the question in some spots (i.e. using corroborative evidence and quotes from sources whose credibility was questioned later--e.g. Richard Clarke and Joe Wilson--and his almost total discounting of media bias), the real value of the book in my mind is in his critique of the Democrats and his suggestions for how to fix the party's ideology problem.

UPDATE: I finished the book, and my assessment of it hasn't changed. Allow me to add, however, that I find Dionne's suggestions for what the Democratic party needs to start talking about very compelling.


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